Brand: Wellspring Fields

Wellspring Fields | Elixir Cola | 50mg

HybridTHC: 50.16mg

Edibles are created either by infusing cooking oil or butter with cannabis extract, or by mixing extract directly into other ingredients. Because edibles are digested and absorbed by your stomach and liver, the activation is often longer than other consumption methods, taking on average 45 minutes, and sometimes up to 2 hours. It is important to start low and slow when consuming edibles so you don't over do it. Take extra caution to ensure edibles are out of the reach of children.

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Array ( [0] => 679ce5da7bc5cc005ce24f84 [1] => 679ce6467bc5cc004ae26970 [2] => 679ce66f401a73008d278057 )
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View Product Testing Data
CBD (Cannabidiol) 0.01
CBD (Cannabidiol)-0.01
THC-D9 (Delta 9–tetrahydrocannabinol) 0.13
THC-D9 (Delta 9–tetrahydrocannabinol)-0.13

About the brand :
Wellspring Fields

Wellspring Fields believes in the healing power of family, and all natural medicine. These core values have led their family to pursue a calling to provide patients in Ohio with safe, therapeutic medical marijuana for a variety of ailments and diagnoses. After witnessing several loved ones experience horrifying side effects from prescription pharmaceuticals, only to find lasting relief in medical cannabis, the Wellspring Fields family made it their mission to grow high quality cannabis to help other families in need. They want to offer all natural, home grown alternative to Big Pharma. Growing locally as a family business promises their friends and customers a clean product, free of harmful pesticides and chemicals. The team at Wellspring Fields values the medicinal properties that cannabis holds, but they also believe the way in which it is grown is just as important.

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